Monday 21 March 2011

Today is Monday....

So, although I have the most doubts in the universe that anyone will even bother to read this, here I am, starting my very own blog.  Just an average boring girl who probably wont write every day if I told you that I would, and might not even have anything interesting to say. So why even bother writing a blog in the first place?
Well, to answer that question I'll have to give you a little bit of background information first.  Just think of this as the introduction, to what might turn out as a very interesting story, and read on.
I'm a girl in the Culinary program at Humber College.  For those of you who don't know, Culinary is cooking, I'm training to become a chef.  I'm also an author. I write SOMETHING every day, from little useless notes on the speed of ketchup pouring out of a bottle, to lengthy stories about ogres and princess, and poetry about the deepest love, and the saddest sorrows.  That's me in a nutshell right there.  Deepest lover, saddest sorrows. I feel like I experience at least one of those every day..but i suppose if you read on, you'll learn that soon enough.
Back To Culinary:
The interesting part about this, is that I'm a vegetarian and in my classes we aren't taught to cook whatever it is WE like to cook, we're taught to cook classical French Cuisine.
Here's the other thing, i dont speak french.
So you see, these classes are a little bt more dramatic, and traumatic for me than they are for, say, a french meatitarian, or an american who eats meat even.
But i get by, and that's mostly what this blog will be about.
Have you ever read, or seen the movie Julie and Julia? I guess that I'm a little bit like that blogger in a way.  Except I'm not going through an awesome cook book, I'm just a student at Culinary school.
So there you have it, an introduction to what I hope is a wonderful story that, even if you dont read it anytime soon, you might read one day.
For now, It is Monday Night, and I have a test in the morning, so...Farewell, and Goodnight.